Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Government Debt grows at $3.8 Billion per day, Mr. Obama plans to accelerate
this rate by creating new entitlement programs through his Soviet style 5-year
plan overseen by Zsars answering only to him! How about a Tsar to regulate Stupidity!

If your happy with the Govts management of the Post office and DMVs then you'll
simply love Mt Obamas control of your Doctors. Mr. Bush was inept and inarticulate
but Obama is simply Dangerous. His total management experience is equivelant to my
Son's lemonade stand and surrounding himself with union thugs and political commisars
won't help. Were doomed to become a second rate nation hobbled by dept and regulation' Freedom as we've known it is dead.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 24 Jun 2009 at 11:28:24 PM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 306,428,672
so each citizen's share of this debt is $37,241.92.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$3.79 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

National Debt -- In the News
20 Mar 09 - US Federal Deficit soars past previous estimates (Washington Post)
20 Mar 09 - Congressional Budget Office: US Deficit ballooning to record $1.7 trillion (Christian Science Monitor)
17 Mar 09 - National Debt hits record $11 Trillion (CBS News)
27 Feb 09 - Americans mixed on Obama Budget and fret over Deficit (Reuters UK)
26 Feb 09 - Proposed 2010 Budget available for review (
26 Feb 09 - Budget chief explains Obama's $2 trillion for Deficit reduction (Wall Street Journal)
26 Feb 09 - Obama plans huge shifts in spending -- and a $1.75 trillion Deficit (New York Times)
24 Feb 09 - Editorial: Massive debt is Obama's long-term challenge (San Jose Mercury News)
23 Feb 09 - Deficit concern jumps ... among the GOP (Washington Post)
22 Feb 09 - Obama plans to slash U.S. Budget Deficit by 2013 (Bloomberg)
9 Oct 08 - Maxing out the National Debt Clock (US News & World Report)
9 Oct 08 - Sign of the times -- The clock has run out on the National Debt (Wall Street Journal/AP)

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