Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Well here it is, Our President, the Messiah, has once again apologized for the USA. This time it was in front of the most dysfunctional group of thugs and dictators that exist today, the UN. Maybe it’s not his fault and his teleprompter is stuck on the “I’m so sorry for America” sentence. This caps a week where the worst President in my lifetime, old Jimmy Carter of 18% inflation fame, said that all who oppose our present “dope in chief” are racist. After all who can object to an increasing role for our corrupt government in all phases of our life.

Who can argue with the gifting of 65% ownership of Chrysler to the same union thugs who are responsible for the plight of the US auto companies. It’s not an accident that the offshore car companies avoid any union friendly states when building factories.

Who can object to the half-truths and lies about the takeover of our health care by a Government that has essentially put the USA in bankruptcy? Mortgaging our Grand Kids future to the Chinese for the money to spread pork around to their cronies.

Who can object to a president who knows exactly whats good for you?

Who can object to a President who thinks its only a tax-hike when he says it is.

Hale our Messiah, the anointed one.
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