Thursday, October 29, 2009


The latest Opinion Poll shows us that when asked, "is the US on the right track?"
a large majority said No. Perhaps this recent shift is due to Mr. Obama's war on
Fox news is'nt going well; it seems some people have read the Constitution.

What could make us think that we're on the wrong track?

Could it be the new records being set in government spending and debt? Deficeit up 170% in 9 months!
The declining value of the U.S. dollar?
Increasing numbers of American troops killed in Afghanistan?
Growing threats from Iran and North Korea while government does nothing to strengthen our national defense?
Unemployment rates which continue to grow every week?
New revelations about fraud in Medicare, Medicaid and even the tax benefits granted to first time home buyers? (Not to mention the millions granted to ACORN.)
An administration which appointed dozens of czars, many with questionable ethics and socialistic backgrounds?
Refusal to allow the czars to testify before a Congressional committee?
Government which pays far more attention to demands of lobbyists than the needs of its citizens?
Spending over $1.5 million a year plus expenses to give Mrs. Obama a 24 member personal staff?
Federal control over banks, automobile manufacturers and soon over our health care and energy industries?
Embarrassment from hearing our president apologize for America rather than two Americans.
Pending bills to yield United States sovereignty to the U.N. and International Monetary Fund.
A president who has broken virtually every promise he made to get elected?
Obama's preference for ego-bolstering TV appearances rather than providing needed leadership?
The imminent threat of huge tax increases?
Efforts to transform our country from land of the free to home of the freeloader?
Increasing government moves to ignore our constitution in favor of socialism.

Maybe all of these issues have caused Americans to awaken to what is happening in Washington. It is time for us to take our country back from those who are destroying it.
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