Monday, July 6, 2009

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Now that the news shows are “All Michael Jackson” all the time its my hope that people will take the time to consider what a Government takeover of health care (25% of our economy) will look like.

I submit that it’s useful to think about how Government bureaucracies really operate. When you think about efficient, friendly, fair customer service do you think first of your local DMV, Post Office service line or your local building bureau? I bet not and it doesn’t really make much of a difference where you live. Their all staffed by slow-moving union members who don’t have to worry about job security. Unlike a private company they do not have to concern themselves with what you need.

Check out your DMV, look around and realize that ObamaCare will employ bureaucrats just like these to decide what medical procedures you need. Our present system is bad, this will be terrible. The border towns in the US are full of Canadians fleeing their health care system that calls for an 8 month wait for a MRI and two years for knee work. When Mr. Obama takes over control of our health care where will you go!!!!!!!

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