Monday, July 27, 2009


Buried in the Obama 1080 page health care bill is a cost cutting projection
that truly defines the Democrats thought process. They project that they will
cut the cost of Medicare by 10%. They do not mention that the congressional
budget office (Their office) estimates that the medicare client base (geezers
like me) will grow by 30% in ten years as the baby boomers retire. The house version plans to cut costs by not allowing knee replacements or angiplastie. Of course illegal aliens will be fully vested.

By the way the present health bill at 1080 is simply funny, the Magna Carta is
one page. Our Constitution would be 5 std. pages. Has anyone asked who wrote this crap? Has anyone asked Mr. Obama if he has read it???

I think the Idiots in Washington believe we are stupider than they are!!!!

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