Monday, July 13, 2009

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There are a lot of weird things going on in the USA. I picked some off the internet but I have a few of my own
-----In the Current issue of fortune they report that China has cut taxes
and began growing their economy at an 8+% rate.
-----In the USA we appropriated $778 Billion to stimulate the economy then
added taxes to our most productive citizens; result, no growth
-----You may think your at the "mad hatters Tea party" when you read that
of the $778 Billion appropriated by our congressional dopes only 12%
has been speant while they consider another stimulas Bill.

Only in America.....we spend billions because we can't let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt, and then, let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt.

Only in America....can congress force Fannie and Freddie to buy sub prime loans, and then blame Fannie and Freddie for buying sub prime loans. Then fire the CEO's with giant severance packages and nationalize the companies so the tax payers can pay off all the debt!!

Only in America....a financial crisis requires swift action by congress to pass a bill without reading it, then they go on vacation for three days before the president finds the time to sign it.

Only in can be legally illegal.

Only in America....can Congress make laws that they don't have to, or intend to, follow.

Only in America.....the Vice-president declares 'jobs' a 3 letter word.

Only in America.... Can you get a tax refund for taxes you didn't pay.

Only in America.... Can politicians blame others for their own failures.

Only in America.... You have more rights being illegal, than you do if you're legal

only in America.... Can you be 13 and have an abortion without telling your parents, but you must have a written note from your parent explaining why you missed school.

Only in we worry about 3 guys that get water up their noses, while their associates are beheading captives and blowing up crowds of people with suicide bombers.

Only in can be President without having a birth certificate.

Only in America.... Whatever goes wrong will always be President Bush's fault.

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