Monday, August 24, 2009


It’s official; the USA is now a “Banana Republic.” While our “Dear Leader” enjoys the elegance of a $31,000 a week mansion his decisions continue to drive our beloved country into a path of descent that will be impossible to break out of. It’s old news that China holds the mortgage on the US and can call it at anytime throwing us into economic depression. We have squandered Trillions of dollars since the first of the year and our “Dear Leader” proposes a cap and tax program that will add two full points to our inflation rate; as if he hasn’t already driven the dollars value down enough by tripiling our long term debt.

The latest idiocy would be funny if not so tragic. It reads like a Mel Brooks movie. You take a Government so incompetent that they cannot efficiently give away $3 Billion dollars without mountains of undecipherable paper work as they busily plan how they’ll stuff you into a one size fits all health care rationing system. The movie will have a side story about how the “Dear Leader” rewarded the union bosses by giving them majority ownership of a major automobile company while ignoring 250 years of commercial law!

Now they have imitated Cuba by initiating a political witch-hunt against the last administration by investigating the very guys who have kept our country safe since 9/11 while simultaneously releasing the bad guys we have in custody. It’s a classic “world turned upside down” scenario. The “non-political” Justice Department had already ruled that no action was needed but that was before our “Dear Leader” decided that the left-wing loons that form his political base demanded scapegoats. The latest hoot has interrogations being run out of the White House. How aggressive do you think the questioners will be? Will they be Union thugs?

I’m not especially religious but God help us survive this administration and hope that they don’t just decide that our “Dear Leader” can become our “President for life.”
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