Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The ObamaCare health care Czar has now devised a solution
for the older citizens concerned about how Obama will deal
with the problems of Senior citizens involving incontinence,
mobility and prostrate growth.

It’s these high tech solutions that will enable ObamaCare to
Cut costs while delivering “high quality” health care and also
Supporting our Government owned / managed Car Industry. .

This news bulletin was released by the unelected, unsupervised
Health Care Czar. As your health care problems are solved
Behind closed doors solutions will be publisized. Debate on
what’s good for you must be avoided lest the master plan to
make the USA a Socialist country be derailed.

It would be appreciated if you could refrain from calling any
of the 20 plus Obama Czars Commissars. These completely
unaccountable, unelected comrades are only interested in
setting the standards for you to live your life in the best
socialistic traditions for the good of the state.
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