Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama is a disaster
It’s now official; President Obama is now making President Bush look good. In the few short months he has been in office he has managed to make the US a debtor country. It used to be that we were able to pay our bills and support some good causes, no more.

China of all places now chides us about our unsustainable debt level and has began shedding US bonds. We are having a problem selling our bonds while our “dear leader”
Proposes bigger and better deficit producing programs.

It starts with the Stimulus bill; no safeguards to where the money went just make sure that the Democrat get the pork. It’s a fiasco of monumental proportions.

Who can forget the “Cap and Tax” program, which raises all energy costs of every citizen and business by 18%. This will surely help create jobs as our country becomes even less competitive.

Since Obama’s term began we have added 181 Billion dollars to our deficit a month and the run rate is increasing.

Health care , 1087 pages of tripe worded to allow the Government to take control of a fifth of our economy while adding over a Trillion dollars to the deficit. Even their own budget analysts conclude their figures are a lie and we can’t afford it.

Our “Dear Leader” has 3 ½ more years to go, God help us.

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