Thursday, August 6, 2009


It seems our current “Dear Leader” has morphed into a dictator. Perhaps he admires the way some of the Arab dictators are able to simply accomplish their goals without opposition; simply issue an edict. In any event the White House Web-site is now asking for anyone who hears opposition to the Democrats 1087 page secret, unexplained and unread Government “Health Care” takeover plan to furnish the e-mail or details of private conversations.

Now I’m not a paranoid person and I don’t even own a gun of any kind but this is truly scary stuff never seen in the US. Just try to imagine the ACLU reaction if Mr. Bush had proposed anything like this. I’ve just heard that Obama’s press secretary has said that the WH web-site has nothing to do with the White House. Sounds like Soviet style double speak to me.

Maybe I should start checking out those gun shows before the jackboots hit the street. They already have a mini SS mobilized called Acorn. Hmmmmm.
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